Images tagged "talk-march-2014-kays-practical-embroiderer-ites-influence-on-my-work-by-alice-colson"
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Is there a contact in Southport for baby blankets
Hello Carol, I’m sorry but we do not have any other information about Project Linus.
Please give me an address to which I can post knitted baby blankets which my friend and I have. I am in despair today at finding a contact. Our local charity shop refused to take them as they don’t have a washing label on them (what ?!!) I’ve had no reply to a letter I sent to Caroline Fogel so not sure if she is involved any more. Tried bliss who asked me so many questions to confirm that I’m not a robot that I gave up. Thank you in advance. Jill Daniels
Hello Jill,
This is the contact information we have for Caroline Fogell. She can be contacted on Tel. 0151 724 4724 or email
I hope this is helpful,
Best wishes, Hilary McCormack
Hi, we are a group knitting teddies, can you get any through to Gaza??
Hello Janice,
Please direct your question to –
International Aid Trust, Longton Business Park, Station Road, Much Hoole, Preston, Lancs, PR4 5LE
TEL: 01772 611000 EMAIL:
I’m sure they will supply all the information you need,
Best wishes,
Hi, I’m wondering if you can help me. I’m a Master’s Student at the University of Birmingham, and I’m currently writing my Dissertation on the subject of different methods of preserving and sharing knowledge about textile crafts. Unfortunately I am working next weekend from 11am so I cannot attend the full session, but is there any chance I could come for the first half an hour of your next meeting on Saturday 16th March and/or possibly speak to someone about how your Guild organises events and shares knowledge about textile crafts?
I have just come across your site and am interested in joining. I am very interested in fashion through the ages and enjoy making historical doll costumes. I like to sew by hand. I am not skilled in embroidery but would like to learn.
I would like to attend workshops and upcoming talks. Thanks so much for any information you can send me.
Very best wishes,
Hello Julie,
Thanks for getting in touch.We have sent you an email with information about the group.
Hi there, do you do any embroidery workshops for beginners?
Hello Kathleen,
Thank you for getting in touch.All of our workshops are designed to appeal to beginners and the more experienced alike. All participants are taken step by step through each design and technique on the day. Also, in the morning before an afternoon talk, we have a Slow Stitch morning where we learn one embroidery stitch in the company of others along with plenty of conversation and light refreshments. Have a look at our website and see what is available on the Programme Page, then come along and try it out. You may enjoy it!
Best wishes,
using you as inspiration for my A level textiles <3
Hello. I am enquiring how often the group meets?
Hello Jackie,
Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group meets approximately every 4 weeks. Best to keep an eye on our website for up to date details. Hope to see you at one of our meetings some day soon,
Best wishes,
We are looking for someone who can repair and restore an altar frontal. Our beautiful red and gold frontal has not been used for many years as the condition has deteriorated so much. Our church is St John the Evangelist Knotty Ash, Liverpool. I wonder if this is something your guild could take on board?
Hello Susan,
We have sent you an email,
Best wishes,
Thank you Hilary – David Peglar has now been in touch and has arranged a meeting next week
Best wishes
Hi Hillary,
I came across your site and am interested in learning embroidery for beginners. Although I do have minimal experience.
Hello Mary,
it is lovely to hear from you. Why not come along to our next meeting, where you will be made very welcome. It will be held from 10am-1pm on Saturday 17th February in All Hallows Centre, Greenhill Road, Liverpool L18 6JJ. Have a look at our website for further information, and hope to see you there,
Best wishes, Hilary
Hello. I am a novice sewer but enjoy embroidery and red work
I am interested in workshops and meetings if you could send me some details
With best wishes
Gail davies
Hello Gail,
Thank you for getting in touch, we have replied to you by email.
Best wishes,
Hi is this group still going the programme on here is from 2017.
Hello Lynn,
Perhaps you have the wrong link for our website. I can assure you that the up to date programme is available. This is the link to Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group where you will find all the information you need,
Best wishes,
I am just revisiting embroidery after over 50 years. I am not very confident but I am interested in your group. When do you meet? Once a fortnight, month? Even though I don’t have many skills it would be an opportunity for me to meet other interested people. I have recently moved here, from Skipton, to be near family. I would be grateful for more details.
Hello Jennifer,
Thank you for getting in touch with Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group. I have sent you an email to give you some more information about the group,
Best wishes, Hilary
I was the raffle prize winner of the green bag and contents. I received this today – what a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much to those who prepared it.
Thank you. Thank you.
Mavis Lee
To all at MEG for a lovely Regional Day day on Saturday. Congratulations & Well Done!,
I really enjoyed the day.
Congratulations to the competition winners,
beautiful work.
The exhibition pieces are magnificent. Hope we get to see them displayed at Speke Hall at some stage.
Thank you all the hardworking committee . You did a great job.
In case your members might be interested, there’s a free (donations) talk from Macclesfield Museums
on The Langley Pattern Book Collection –
Free with donations.
Jean Knowles (Textile Explorers (prev Chelford EG))
What a talented group of embroiderers. The theme of Speke is so rich for inspiration.
Loved all the work. And congratulations to your young embroiderers, they have a super future ahead of them. Amazing!
I first saw Mary Roscoe’s work in 2009 when she entered and won the EAC Art Awards c ompetition. I was impressed then. Now I’m inspired to try something similar. It’s so expressive and wonderful.
Model from behind ( After Seurat) by Mary Roscoe is utterly astounding. Pointilism is difficult enough in paint never mind in thread. The lost and found edges are just stunning; the way her face blends into the background leaving the viewer’s brain to fill in he rest is a master stroke. I know this comment is years after the exhibition but I would love to know if this one is for sale.