Speke Hall Project

Speke Hall, Liverpool. Elizabethan manor house
Following the phenomenal success of our Endeavour Exhibition at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral in September 2018, MEG was looking for another subject for a major exhibition for 2020 and an opportunity to showcase our members embroidery expertise.
The National Trust were due to celebrate their 125 year anniversary in 2020, and this seemed to provide us with the perfect opportunity. We contacted our local NT property, Speke Hall, Liverpool. Very soon, we received an excited and positive reply, thrilled at the idea of our embroidery.

some young visitors are interested in MEG at National Stitch Day @ Speke Hall 2019
As a group, we organised several visits to talk with NT staff and be shown ‘backstage’ at Speke Hall. They generously gave us 50 free study passes so that all MEG members could get free access to the Hall when it was open. On National Stitch Day 2019 we were able to demonstrate our work to the public in the Great Hall at Speke.
For the Speke Hall Group Project, many of our members worked a motif from a book of crewel work stitches and patterns. They were inspired by The New Anchor Book of Crewel Stitches and Patterns. The book was compiled by Eve Harlow and published by David and Charles.
The motifs were sewn onto a wall hanging, which is very colourful and impressive. Individual members have also been inspired to create a wonderful selection of work representing Speke Hall, the Tudor period, and details from the history, construction and architecture of Speke Hall. We have been in touch with Speke Hall and haven’t ruled out presenting our work there at some time in the future.
Merseyside Embroiderers Guild hope you enjoy the gallery of photographs of the Speke Hall project and and also NW Regional Day by Zoom on April 24th 2021.
What a talented group of embroiderers. The theme of Speke is so rich for inspiration.
Loved all the work. And congratulations to your young embroiderers, they have a super future ahead of them. Amazing!
I first saw Mary Roscoe’s work in 2009 when she entered and won the EAC Art Awards c ompetition. I was impressed then. Now I’m inspired to try something similar. It’s so expressive and wonderful.
Model from behind ( After Seurat) by Mary Roscoe is utterly astounding. Pointilism is difficult enough in paint never mind in thread. The lost and found edges are just stunning; the way her face blends into the background leaving the viewer’s brain to fill in he rest is a master stroke. I know this comment is years after the exhibition but I would love to know if this one is for sale.