Membership form

Formerly Merseyside Embroiderers’ Guild, now we at Merseyside have formed a new group. Our new group will be welcoming many of the former MEG members and we also look forward to greeting new members from all walks of life with an interest in any type of stitchery or a desire to learn all about what we do. Whatever your textile and stitch craft interests are, or levels of ability, the varied programme and opportunities offer something for everyone. Find out more by looking at .

We meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month, either for a morning Talk or a half or full day Workshop at All Hallows Centre, Greenhill Road, Liverpool L18 6JJ.

Annual subscription is £25.

Cost of a Talk is £5 for members and £8 for visitors.

Cost of a Workshop is £20 for members and £25 for visitors.

To join Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group please  complete the form below:-

(Don’t be put off if you see an asterisk* on the Custom Captcha, it just means multiply the numbers!)


When you have completed the form please pay £25 Annual Subscription  by BACS.

Payee Account -Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group.

Payee Account Number 01742051.

Payee Sort Code -40-29-03.

When you have paid, or if you have any queries, please inform our Treasurer at Thank you and welcome to the group!