The North West Region Aurifil Award “For Excellence in Embroidery”.
Members are invited to submit a piece of modern embroidery, of innovative design, on a subject of personal choice.
There is no size restriction; however thought must be given to the display. There is no guarantee that a large scale work would be displayed to its best advantage.
Embroidery must be the main element in the design which may be worked by hand, machine or combined techniques.
- All members are eligible to enter one piece of work.
- The threads used in the embroidery should include Aurifil threads.
- Only work completed within the last 2 years is eligible to be entered.
- The work must be entirely the work of the embroiderer, both in design and e Copies or adaptations of other artists work are not permissible.
Entries will be judged at Virtual Regional Day 2021 by NW Regional Chair and the Speaker or Guild Representative.
Judging criteria
- Creativity of design.
- Skill and quality of workmanship in the execution of the embroidery.
- Suitability of techniques used in the chosen design.
- Presentation of the work.
There are three prizes of threads and certificates donated by Aurifil
The North West Region Rose Bowl Competition
2020/21 Theme “All You Need is Love”
- All members are eligible to submit one piece of work for this competition. The theme will have been announced at the Regional Day 2 years previously.
- Only work completed during the last 2 years may be entered.
- The work must be entirely the work of the embroiderer.
- The starting point or source of inspiration may be from a photograph, postcard, magazine picture or advertisement.
- There is no size restriction on any dimension although there cannot be any guarantee that a large scale work would be displayed to its best advantage.
Entries will be judged at the Regional Day by members attending.
There will be voting slips and time to vote during the morning of the meeting. (info to be updated)
Criteria for Judging
- Innovation in use of traditional techniques and materials.
- Interpretation of theme.
- Presentation of work
The 1st prize is a Rose Bowl engraved with winner’s name, held for one year, plus a gift token and Certificate.
The entries judged 2nd and 3rd receive gift tokens and certificates.
The North West Region Young Embroiderers Kathleen Mansfield Trophy (YE individual prize)
Kathleen Mansfield was a lifetime member of the Embroiderers’ Guild and taught art in Merseyside before she moved to Cumbria. She died in 1997 at the age of 84. She produced a number of ecclesiastical embroideries. Both she and her husband were artists, Kathleen in painting as well as embroidery.
The original embroidery hoop has been returned to the branch , the base is held by NWR Chair and is engraved, a small trophy will be presented to the winner, and kept by them forever, and which can be engraved if wished.
All members of Young Embroiderers’ in the North West are eligible to enter one piece only.
Each entry should be an original piece of work. Any supporting work such as a sketch book, photographs or stitch samples may be entered alongside the embroidered piece. It must be clearly labelled, on the back, with the embroiderer’s name, age and Group.
Entries will be judged by a NW Regional Chair, and one other.
In addition to the winner, small gifts and certificates can be awarded to 2nd, 3rd and 4th individuals dependant and at the discretion of the NW Vice Chair ,YE Rep and Host Chair.